Thursday, April 28, 2005

Fragment #1

There are only two reasons why people forget: it’s either because they’ve really forgotten everything, wiped everything from their memories, tabula rasa and all that crap, or, they don’t want to tell you what happened.

We were sitting inside the canteen, Kitty and I. Her head in her hands. Shoulders slumped like the slopes of a mountain. She kept on making small sounds, desperate sounds that ended with either a whimper or a word slowly fading into silence. She’d sit up, lean on the table, her fingers toying with the crumpled wrappers of our lunch, and then fall back against the hard plastic back of her seat. Emotions tumbled across her face like children refusing to sit still: weepy – sad – rollicking-tears-wanting-to-fall-down.

(to be continued)


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